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Natural Toilet Bomb


清潔馬桶當然不是世界上最激動人心的工作,但是這些DIY天然馬桶清潔炸彈使它變得簡單多了,並避免了使用惡味的漂白劑和化學藥品。 這些馬桶清潔炸彈結合了Cleaning Soda和檸檬酸的清潔能力(起强力清潔沸騰泡沫)以及精選的純淨精油的混合物,這些精油以其殺菌,防腐和除臭性能而聞名,它們超級容易製造,氣味宜人, 自然地工作得很好! 只需將一個放入馬桶中,等待泡沫停止(此反應有助於清潔馬桶),然後沖洗一次。 對於頑固的污漬,您可使用馬桶刷幚忙。  所需配料(4粒):  1/2杯Noesis Cleaning Soda  1/2杯Noesis 檸檬酸  1/2杯玉米粉 噴霧瓶中的蒸餾水(或開水和冷卻水) 可選精油: 12滴桉樹精油 12滴迷迭香精油 12滴茶樹精油 12滴檸檬精油 製造方法: 將所有材料放入玻璃碗中。 用手混合在一起。 噴水,繼續攪拌直至混合物類似於潮濕的沙子的稠度,並在擠壓時保持在一起。 注意不要過度用水攪動混合物,否則可能會起泡沫並碎裂。  將混合物包裝到4個模具中,或手動滾動到4個相同大小的圓球。 如果您使用的是模具,則將混合物放置一整夜,並在第二天拆模。 靜置乾燥2天。 存放在密封的玻璃罐中,直到可以使用為止。

如何使用: 將一枚彈放入馬桶中,等待嘶嘶聲停止。 觀看我們廁所清潔炸彈中的辛苦工作,開始除臭並清潔廁所! 沖洗完畢。 您可能需要使用馬桶刷協助清潔頑固的污漬。 儲存方法: 避免陽光直射。 Make your own toilet cleaning bomb   Cleaning the toilet is certainly not the most exciting job in the world, but these DIY natural toilet cleaning bombs make it much simpler and avoid the use of foul-smelling bleach and chemicals. These toilet cleaning bombs combine the cleaning power of Cleaning Soda and citric acid (necessary for foaming) and a blend of selected pure essential oils, which are known for their antiseptic, antiseptic and deodorizing properties. They are super easy to make and have a pleasant smell  , Naturally works well! Just put one in the toilet, wait for the bubbling to stop (this reaction helps to clean the toilet), and then rinse once.  For stubborn stains, you can use the toilet brush. Ingredients required:  1/2 cup Noesis Cleaning Soda  1/2 cup Noesis citric acid  1/2 cup corn flour  Distilled water in spray bottle (or boiling water and cooling water) Optional: 12 drops eucalyptus essential oil 12 drops rosemary essential oil 12 drops tea tree essential oil 12 drops lemon essential oil  Manufacturing method: Put all the ingredients in a glass bowl. Mix together by hand.  Spray water and continue stirring until the mixture resembles the consistency of damp sand and stays together while squeezing.  Be careful not to agitate the mixture excessively with water, otherwise it may foam and break. Pack the mixture into 4 molds or manually roll to 4 balls of the same size.

 If you are using a mold, leave the mixture overnight and remove the mold the next day.  

Let it dry for 2 days. Store in a sealed glass jar until ready for use. How to use: Put a bullet in the toilet and wait for the hiss to stop.  Watch the hard ingredients in our toilet cleaning bomb, start deodorizing and clean the toilet!  The rinse is complete.  You may need to use a toilet brush to clean stubborn stains. Storage method:  Avoid direct sunlight.

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