有機蘆薈純露 Fresh aloe juice skin hydrator Aloe Vera’s inner gel and its resultant juice contain more than 230 nutrients that are capable of capturing the repairing power of nature. Through the use of proprietary SATT aloe processing technology, ALODERMA fully maintains the vitality and power of active Aloe Vera to help skin naturally achieve its maximum beauty. 99.8% Orangic aloe juice 使用方法 護膚不如養膚。 取適量本品均勻塗抹於臉部,並輕柔按摩至吸收。 或點塗於長痘痘的部位。 亦可作為睡眠面膜使用,直接塗抹,無需清洗。 專利技術加工使得蘆薈有效成分保留較全且含量高保濕補水分子蘆薈多醣含量高賦予產品超強保濕力以及高滲透性。
$120 for 240ml
$60 for 90ml
有機蘆薈純露Organic Aloe Skin Hydrator